Daggerfall watch face

Daggerfall watchface

Daggerfall Watch

This s my attempt at an Android wear watch face using the Daggerfall box cover artwork. The screenshot is from the round watch face emulator running in Android Studio.

I'm using the standard Google sample watch face project to keep things simple to start with.
Ambient mode dims the background image, or a least renders it in grayscale, and disables the second hand. Ambient mode only updates the screen every minute to save battery life.

Ive added a Tamriel Calendar that converts the normal Gregorian calendar days of the week and months into what your would expect in game. Turdas 19th day of Second Seed (Which is Today, 19th of May)

Daggerfall Calendar 
Name of
Arena, Daggerfall
Oblivion, Skyrim
Morning StarThe RitualJanuary303131
Sun's DawnThe LoverFebruary30282828‡
First SeedThe LordMarch30313131
Rain's HandThe MageApril30303030
Second SeedThe ShadowMay30313131
Midyear*The SteedJune30303030
Sun's HeightThe ApprenticeJuly30313131
Last SeedThe WarriorAugust30313131
Hearthfire* §The LadySeptember30303030
Frostfall*The TowerOctober30303131
Sun's DuskThe AtronachNovember30313030
Evening StarThe ThiefDecember30313131

The watchface may change as Im not entirely happy with the hands, and may add some more features, however will upload to the Google Play store when finished.

Daggerfall watch face, Elder scrolls watch face

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